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Learning & Development Strategy / HR Development / HR Transformation and Change Management

63 years old
Courbevoie France
Professional Status
Open to opportunities
About Me
• An Experienced executive, with a strong track record in Consulting, Coaching, Training, Talent Development, Innovations, Change Management, HR transformation and Team management.
• An Entrepreneurial-minded person, I have created two companies (Outline & CVMS) and " Intrapreneurial " by creating and developing Departments, Branches and Activities, which have become a real reference in terms of innovation and performance.
• A Business track which combines various sectors - High Technology Companies (Telecommunication, Software Houses), Automobile and Transportation, Petroleum Industry, Insurance and Bank sector and Call Centers - with an offer of multi-dimensional and innovative consultancy.
• A diversified experience in Sales, People Management, Marketing, Human Resources, Reengineering, Management Development, Coaching (individual & collective) and Leadership as well as Talent Development.
• A significant experience at the international
• Recognized by his Peers as Talent and Leadership Developer, who continue to explore the path of individual and collective performance.
  • Define the L&D strategy for the Group, in alignment with the HR and Business strategies 2022/2025
  • Define an ambition for the development of "New Ways of Learning" in line with the global HR strategy 2022-2025 and translate it into operational action and organizational principles. Ensure, in the framework of the "New Ways of Learning", the internal and external monitoring of the Best Practices in training and skills development and identify, evaluate and classify key providers.
  • Lead projects and initiatives resulting from this HR/L&D strategy 2021-2025 while ensuring good coordination with other HR 2021/2025 projects
  • Be responsible for the development and implementation of this ambition.
  • The Group supports all its customers - individuals, associations, entrepreneurs, SMEs and institutions – in the success of their projects through its financing, investment, savings and protection solutions : • 68 countries • 56 Pôles and Business Lines• 193 000 collaborators• 44,3 Md€ Revenue• 7,1 Md€ Net Result
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    • Define and deploy the IRB Learning and Development Strategy and Policy
    • Accompany & Support the Countries' teams: 17 Countries Head of L&D
    • Ensure, coordinate and guarantee the Group reporting, the regional consistency and the global efficiency of Learning & Development
    •Develop and deploy the sense of belonging, ensure consistency and facilitate the exchange of Best Practices among the countries and guarantee the level of excellence of Learning and Development
    • Create, Develop and Manage the Sub-Saharan Shared Training Center in Abidjan (Ivory Coast) (now called the BICI Academy) in response to the strategic ambitions in Sub-Saharan African Area.
    • Create, Develop and Manage the IRB e-Factory (Warsaw – Poland) in response to the BNP Paribas Group strategic ambitions of Digital Learning,
    • I create the e-Factory
    • Participate in and validate the recruitment of Countries " Head of L&D " to ensure greater consistency and implement higher standards of performance about cultural and organizational differences.
    • Accompany and support the Business and Function lines in the implementation of their strategies by developing some mutualized Learning Paths
    • Develop and Digitalize the Training offer with internal resources (eFactory) : eLearning, Rapid-learning, Learning Quizz, Mobile Learning, COOC, Motion Design, Business game, 360° Immersive Learning, Video-Learning (Internal Youtube), ….
    • Initiate a Social-learning solution link with some Knowledge Management operational communities
    • Develop and Digitalize the Classroom Training or the Project workshops with Digital Tools: Klaxoon or Stromz
    • Initiate, accompany and Manage the professionalization of the Learning and Development Team with a process of annual assessment and certification
    • Accompany and the support the two IRB programs of APAC Partnership
    • Participate in the strategic Group Program “One Bank for Corporate”
    • Initiate, Develop and Manage a IRB Management and Leadership Development Path
    • Implement the Group strategy of Partnership and Openness Program for Talents
    • Pilot, Manage and ensure the realization of the annual Global People Survey (GPS) and the specifics Operational Pulse
    • Coordinate, Support & Guarantee the implementation of the strategic Group Program across the IRB Countries, as well as widespread adoption of these:
    - The Digital Transformation Program (Digital Working)
    - The HR Digitalization Program (HR 20202)
    - The New Way of Working Program (Include: Flex-office and Teleworking)
    • Coordinate, Support and Accompany the IRB Head Office Good Place to Work Program
    • Support, Accompany and Coordinate the General Management and the Business & Function Line on the strategic and global Transformations Projects
    • Create the “Change Academy” to support and deploy a culture of "Change Management" in the IRB Countries
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  • « Relaunch » the Project Management Plan (in emergency, after 6 months of standstill) : set up tools and methods, meet all the Project Leaders, re-focus and re-motivate them on theirs objectives, rationalize the communication and reporting system.
  • Coach and help the French Projet Director : Ensure consistency of the 3 major programs / GoLive (RH, legal, fiscal, finance and IT system), QTC (Quad To Cash - Business) and MOC (management Of Change), Help to be in a line with the EMEA and Wordlwide planning boards, Anticipate and report the deviation and the potential risks, Put in action the Project Leaders «less involve».
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  • Manage and overlook the HR policy: Personnel management; HR development; Jobs management; employee orientation, development and training
  • Manage a collective layoffs (PPVD: Personified Plan of Volunteer Departures) going with the new strategic orientations of the Group
  • Establish and pilot the Compensation benefits for staffing after a job analysis, extended to France in January 2008
  • Conduct programs for employers, assume the job analysis, collect and review the detailed job information to prepare job descriptions
  • Ensure the quality of the corporate culture and play the role of mediator for the cohesion of the Corporate teams
  • Analyze the opportunity to implement an HRIS (for implementation in 2010), participate to the HR pole of reorganization for staff and supports functions (The Backbone Project)
  • Manage the internal Structure Mobility for the support and staff Functions:“Mov’Altran”, a key organization for the group
  • Manage functionally a team of HR support (Recruitment, Sourcing, Social Management, Pay, ...)
  • Build and realize the “French Car Policy” for the Group
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  • Manage and Develop a Training Center
    - Promote and develop the skills and knowledge of the Consultants and Experts
    - Promote and coordinate a network of Managers, Consultants and Experts, and help them to build, to develop and to sell their training offers
  • Develop Skills and Operational Supports
    - Analysis and education advice: optimize the training budgets of the Group companies, assist them and develop of the annual training plans and educational assessment
    - Training Engineering: provide solutions for internal and external training needs and assist the consultants to formalize their knowledge
    - Communication Advice: prepare the Consultants and Experts to become recognized lecturers at shows and professional symposiums
    - Training skills development: professionalize the consultants to make them true educators and trainers
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  • Training Management:
    • Insure the quality of the offer: identify the “Best Practices”, adapt the training and choose the Operational IMA trainers
    • Guaranty the quality of the integration cycle: audit the different courses, follow the quality of the trainers, train the managers and directors (Training of trainers and presenters)
  • Training, skill development and rallying the human resources
    • Coach the Managers and Directors
    • Organize, pilot and lead the seminars of “Change Management”
    • Backup the IMA trainers and presenters on IMA integration cycle
  • Developing the range of courses
    • Develop the range of technical trainings for the Group (more than 170 companies)
    • Structure and develop training modules for and with the IMA relay consultants
  • Recruitment and validation post training cycle of the “Business Managers”
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  • Prepare people for the strategic orientations: organize and size the sales forces, launch new products and reposition products and services, develop and set up marketing and commercial action plans
  • Place people at the center of the organization: update the organizations (Sales Department, Sales Team, Supports Team, Production,...)
  • Develop managerial efficiency
    • Mobilize the actors (Sales force, agency network, partners’ network, ...)
    • Coach the managers (Advice, tools and method)
    • Operational management as “Interim Manager”
  • Develop commercial efficiency: audit the process of sales and update marketing approaches, train people on personal performance
  • Develop and manage the training: train the trainers, create tools and training supports, train sales teams and managers (Sales, negotiation, and meeting presentation techniques...), organize “Assessment Centers”, organize and present seminars of edutainment training.
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  • Place the person at the center of the marketing strategy and optimize the organizations: merge the sales networks, update or set up new organizations, clarify and accompany the participants in their new missions
  • Develop the material skills: coach the manager, build their management tools, define and layout tools and methods of MPO and carry out missions as part-time regional director
  • Improve the commercial efficiency: audit the sales process and update the marketing approach, training management efficiency, sales development, negotiation and communication techniques
  • Mobilize and develop the human resources: find and recruit the best individuals, redefine the jobs and work out compensation and motivation systems
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  • Help the Manager through strategic and operational changes: develop and carry out a Management by objectives strategy , build management tools (Efforts → Results), translate the general strategy into marketing and commercial priorities
  • Develop managerial skills: build management tools and methods, strengthen the skills of managers, regional directors and sales directors, coach the Managers in their daily job
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  • Commercial Management: develop and follow commercial and marketing action plans, manage a team of sales people, promote a network of “Product Support and Mail Post Counselors”
  • Business Development: develop a portfolio of Key accounts customers
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    • Representative with the Army and Policy (British Army, American Army and German police)
    • Representative with german local authorities relations (City of Weeding)
    • Representative with the French Military Government of Berlin
    • Responsable of the acceuil and for the accompaniment of the Leading 'guests' ad "Key Peoples"
    • Representative of the ' Room of Honour ' of the 46th Regiment of ' The Tower of Auvergne '
    • Representative for relation with the different locals associations and ancient (UFE, UNACITA / Amicale des Ancients /...)
    • Creation, printing and broadcasting of the newspaper of the Regiment
    • Ensure the photographic coverage of military events of the 46th Regiment in Berlin
    • Coverage of civil Events in partnership with Local Authorities
    • Organize the " Ball of the Regiment "
    • Coordinate the "Regiments Party" with local authorities and other Regiments of FFB (11RC / 110 RG / Military Government of Berlin)
    • Responsible for the "Questure of Régiment"
    • Responsible for the " fund of Support " of the Regiment
    • Responsible for a team of 10 persons (Translators / Journalist / Photographer / Printer / Training officer-professor)
  • ... activities to which is added various military missions in adequacy with the missions of the Regiment in Berlin
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International MOSAIK

September 2008 to April 2009
Coaching is a method of directing, instructing and training a person or group of people, with the aim to achieve some goal or develop specific skills.
There are many ways to coach, types of coaching and methods to coaching. Sessions are typically one-on-one either in-person or over the telephone.
Direction may include motivational speaking. Training may include seminars, workshops, and supervised practice.
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MBTI certified (Myers Briggs Type Indicator)

OSIRIS Conseil

January 2006 to May 2006
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
The MBTI instrument is called "the best-known and most trusted personality assessment tool available today" and lt's "the world’s most widely used personality assessment",
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Consultant Indépendant

May 2009 to June 2009
Process Communication is at the same time a tool of communication, and a modéle of discovery and understanding of his own personality and the personality of others.

The understanding of the personalities gives keys to develop adapted strategies of communication, react of a way appropriated to solicitations, to construct in the short term of useful and efficient relations.
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January 2000 to December 2001
• Training in Communication
• Training in Negotiation
• Training in the Catch of date by telephone
• Training at convincing Presentation
• Training of Trainers
• Training in Management
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The Master of Business Administration (MBA) is a master's degree in business administration, which attracts people from a wide range of academic disciplines.
The core courses in the MBA program are designed to introduce students to the various areas of business such as accounting, marketing, human resources, operations management, etc.
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The Business School Program of IDRAC was conceived to form frames and leaders of firms of high level of tomorrow, in the field of management, and in a manifest international environment.

Pedagogic plan articulates around 5 fundamental points
  • The development of the personal capacities, self-government, the intellectual opening and the aptitude to evolve and to arrest change. Learn to be managé before becoming Manager
  • The development of competences by the acquisition of methods of academical and professional job and know-how;
  • A very strong opening on the firm and on the international dimension
  • An individual route which drives to professional insertion by an assistance on the professional and personal plans of the students
  • The choice of a job and a specialization
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    • Reorganize jobs, function and missions of teams,
    • Plan out and implement process of recruitment, welcoming and integration,
    • Search, identify and recruit the best,
    • Build and optimize incorporation plans of the news collaborators.
    • Build new systems of salary and motivation,
    • Set up tools of management and animation of human resources (SNAP, EAV,),
    • Audit and analyse individual skills according to new strategical orientations,
    • Know how to enliven an individual meeting (lead, analyse and debrief) and collective meetings.
    • Negotiate with the Partners Training (Legal and national training Organisation, HR population, Training manager, Social Partners),
    • Work out and optimize annual Plans of training,
  • Build and accompany new organizational approaches and validate them through "pilot" methodology
  • Adapt a General Strategy into Marketing and commercial strategy
  • Reorganize commercial and "para-commercial" organisations, size sales forces and optimize networks of direct / indirect sale / partners networks
  • Organize Seminaries of management of change
  • Go out of the strict frame of their basic job
  • Work the quality of relation (internal & external speaking)
  • Beat effectiveness and impact in interpersonal relations
  • Use good behaviours in their relations with the others
  • Develop their power of influence and persuasion
  • Help a team of supervision for important change through a systemic approach
  • Help the Managers at a key point of their professional life in a perspective of individual performances, validate their competences, coach the young managers in their job integration.
  • Coacher of the Managing directors, Sales managers, Areas managers, Business Units Directors and Managers in situation of Management
  • Train the "referent Managers" to be more performant in their job of "Coach"
  • Trainers of Trainers trainers of Animators and Lecturers
  • Training Engineering, pilot Consultants and Experts in the creation of training modules
  • Trainers officer in :
    • Management
    • How to develop your Leadership
    • Interpersonal Communication and Communication of Group
    • Persuasive presentations
    • Lead conferences and drive meetings
    • How to get a business meeting by telephone
    • Face to face sales, Sale by telephone (With a Specialization in "call centers")
    • How to perform in Negotiation
    • Defend your business proposal
    • Management of Conflicts
  • Manage and develop a profit center (Men, Resources, Budgets and Business)
  • Supervise, lead and motivate the teams (Functional, operational, direct, Indirect, Partnership)
  • Develop competences of his collaborators (techniques, tools, mode of operation, method, procedures)
  • Help his business team to be more efficient
  • Construct Business Plan, implement tools and business activity steering and set up performant methodologies of management
  • Consolidate competences of Management of the supervision team according to the business orientation through trainings and/or coaching
  • Anticipate and manage conflicts
    • Lead Audits of sales process
    • Clarify and reorganize the process of Business realization to perform the business approaches
    • Build a business action plans, canvassing, development and client/customer loyalty programmes
    • Control the personal organization and improve the management of business territory
    • Optimize and perform the commercial, technical and financial Proposals.
    • Gain new customers, launching of new products & services
    • Cross from the sale of "boxes" to the sale of "solutions", Cross from "advisory" sale to hight level of services sales,
    • Lead a network of distribution and develop animations tools in an indirect network of sale,
    • Negotiate by defending his margins with Key Account clients , Partners,...
    • Manage his time and its push through
  • Create and set up commercial, marketing and organizational, strategical plans of actions
  • Launch, optimize and re-appropriate some competitive systems of reporting
  • Implement "punch " operations (adjustment plan, SOS, Performance plans, …)
  • General management
  • Direction of Development
  • Sales Department
  • Direction of Human resources
  • Training Department
  • Direction of the Organization and Strategy
  • Car
  • Bank, Finance and Insurance
  • B to B
  • Call Centers
  • Oil industry
  • High Technologies Services (Consultancy and Engineering, Telecommunications and SSII),
  • Transport
  • Services
  • The vocation of the Club DeciDRH is to federate Women and Men working in the area of Human resources, in search of returns of experiments and contacts of high
  • The Members of the Committee of Piloting:
    • Joël BOURDENET - Directeur des Ressources Humaines - ALSTOM ITC
    • Philippe CHALMEL, Général, Chef de la Division Organisation et Ressources Humaines au MINISTERE DE LA DEFENSE Anne Marie CORSTEN - HR Director EMEA - CARRIER TRANSICOLD EUROPE
    • Xavier DUROCHAT - DRH Holding France et Corporate - ALTRAN
    • Régis LOZET - Directeur de la gestion des cadres dirigeants - GROUPE LA POSTE
    • Jean-Yves MASY - DRH France - ARCELOR MITTAL
    • Evelyne ROUX , HRGO Human Resources - Hewlett Packard
    • Catherine VIAL , DRH - GROUPE OCIL
    • Christelle VIGNEAU, Mission Détection et Suivi des Talents- Ministère de La Défense - DGA
  • 106 ter, rue Olivier de Serres 75015 Paris
  • http://www.decidrh.com
  • A Non-profit association 1901, created in 1947, ANDRH is professionals' biggest community of Human resources in France.

    It gathers about 5 000 members, divided within 80 local groups on the whole territory, representing all areas of economical life, firms and public agencies and deprived of any sizes. Exchanges and life of network contribute to the mind of mutual aid which enlivens the association.

    ANDRH contacts both the young persons following studies in schools or universities, and the Juniors of the function RH starting in function that it is operational or of direction, that in DRH in post office or in séniors.
  • 91 rue de Miromesnil
75008 Paris
  • http://www.andrh.fr
  • Other
  • The Company of DRH, association law 1901, created at the end of the year on 2003 by around thirty professionals confirmed by Human resources.
    • Help his followers, specialists or general practitioners of Human resources, to find temporary or long-term post offices.
    • Allow to all potential recruiters to find motivated candidates, value and immediately operational.
  • 16 rue Vivienne - 75002 Paris
  • http://www.compagniedrh.com